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Crucifix in St. Charles Borromeo

Faith Formation


Amanuel Malik

Faith Formation Director


To call this year a challenge in Faith Formation would be an understatement. Yet in this challenging season, the Faith Formation team at St. Charles remains committed to the success and continued faith development of your children. We pray that the resources provided below will enable a deeper understanding and appreciation for the faith in youth and parents alike.


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out at 


- Amanuel

Important Documents 2022-2023:​


Family Faith Formation 2022-2023


First Communion 2022-2023


First Reconciliation 2022-2023


Confirmation 2022-2024


Summer Camp 2023​

Sacramets Link

First Sacraments

The Tangible Reception of God's Grace

First Reconciliation
(First Penance)

~ 2nd Grade

In First Reconciliation (Confession), children learn how to admit their mistakes to God while seeking His forgiveness and the Grace to get back up and try again.

First Eucharist

(First Communion)

~ 2nd Grade

Our God longs for union with His beloved children. In First Eucharist (Communion), children are prepared to receive Our Lord's gift of Himself in Holy Communion and taught to be made into a gift for others.


~ 9th/10th Grade

In the Sacrament of Confirmation, teens are more perfectly bound to the Church & are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. As true and confirmed disciples, they are more strictly obliged to faithfully witness to the Catholic faith in their lives.

First Sacraments

Opportunities for Faith Formation

Religious Education
All are Welcome Sign

Religious Education

Children Ages 3-5

Sunday Preschool (Temporarily Postponed)


Children Grade K-8

Summer Camp

Family Faith Formation


First Communion

First Reconciliation


Deacon Dan Callan
Family at St. Charles Borromeo


All families are invited to these “family, faith, and fun” events. They are seasonal opportunities for children, parents, grandparents and friends to pray, play and enjoy the company of one another.


For registration information, contact the Christian Formation office at (585) 663-8000

Upcoming Events




*Stay tuned for more updates!



*Stay tuned for Updates coming soon!

St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church

3003 Dewey Avenue 

Rochester, NY 14616

(585) 663-3230

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